Impact & Food

Solar Foods Oy. The company’s revolutionary and patented food innovation is Solein protein. Solar Foods commercializes Solein protein and the technology platform used to produce it, known as hydrogen fermentation, for use by food companies. Solein can be produced anywhere renewable energy is available, such as in deserts or even in space, without the need for arable land. The main raw materials for the production process are carbon dioxide and electricity. The company has the ability to continuously grow food from a single microscopic seed.

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Whatimpact Enterprises Ltd. Whatimpact is the only social value management platform in the UK helping companies to match with local VCSEs and receive comprehensive social impact reporting aligned with The Government’s Social Value Model and embedded to the partnerships created with the help of the platform.

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GrainSense Oy. Hand-held near infrared measurement company for instant grain quality measurement. Giving the tools for the farmers and seed producers to better business decisions impacting their income. Company has four significant global patents protecting their underlying measurement and calibration intellectual property.

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